Gary An, MD
Professor of Surgery
Primary Investigator
I have nearly 20 years-experience with agent-based modeling of inflammation and the immune response, being the first researcher to publish on the use of agent-based modeling in the area of acute inflammation and sepsis. I have partnered with collaborators at the University of Pittsburgh to expand and extend the use of mathematical modeling in the area of sepsis and acute inflammation and wound healing, including the development of one of the first modular multi-organ system ABMs of sepsis. I have been an active participant of the IMAG MSM Consortium since 2011, most recently being an active member of the MSM Working Group on Viral Pandemics and the Subgroup on Developing Immune Digital Twins. I have been active in the agent-based modeling community for 20 years, having served as the President of the Swarm Development Group from 2008-2015, an organization descended from one of the earliest agent-based modeling toolkits, Swarm, initially developed at the Santa Fe Institute, and am a current executive board member. I am a co-Founder of the Society for Complexity in Acute Illness, a scientific society designed to bring together laboratory scientists, clinical investigators and computational researchers to study systemic inflammation and acute disease. For the past decade I have worked with Chase Cockrell to develop complex agent-based models of various pathophysiological processes, and collaborating and supporting him as he developed several novel methods that integrated agent-based modeling with advanced computational methods such as evolutionary computing/genetic algorithms, machine/active learning and model-based artificial intelligence to identify fundamental insights into the dynamics of systemic inflammation and develop pathways for multi-modal control discovery of sepsis.